A good trading result has a lot in common with a good dish.
If you want to cook something tasty, you need good ingredients.
For trading the good ingredients are the currency pairs that are liquid and dependable.
On top of the good ingredients, you need to use the right spices.
You can’t combine all tasty spices to make the dish taste better, because some spices do not complement each other.
That is also true in trading.
Just because you add more indicators to your chart you will not get a more dependable entry signal.
For a tasty meal you will also have to do the things in the right order and use the right temperature.
If the temperature is too low, your meal will not be properly cooked.
If the temperature is too high, your meal will be burnt.
For automated trading the temperature is the position size and the number of positions.
If you have too few positions or your position size is too small, you will miss out on some good profits.
If you have to many positions or your position size is to big, you might see a big draw down or even a total account breakdown.
So pick the right recipe, that fits your needs.
You can download the free version for the Algorithmic Trading System below the video on our website AlgorithmicTradingSystem.com
It will work with original Metatrader 5 demo accounts.
If you are interested to learn more, or if you are interested to trade this system on a real account, make sure to become a starter member for just one dollar.