Do you trade for entertainment?
If your answer is yes, I would suggest to find something else to entertain you.
Good trading is dead boring, at least in my eyes.
If I want entertainment, I can watch Conan the barbarian on Netflix.
I might consider Conan the barbarian is good entertainment, but I would never consider to let him trade my account.
If you need surgery, you want the best possible doctor, because you want to avoid problems.
You wouldn’t ask somebody with a sword.
I know there are many shiny happy people out there, waving with money bundles in their hands.
But probably it is a better idea to invest the time, money and effort it takes to find out what works and what doesn’t work.
I need to admit that as a rookie I thought that trading was entertaining.
But today it is boring, because I no longer do it for the entertainment.
I do it to produce good results, improve my systems and get everything as stable as possible.
And something that is predictable or stable is not very entertaining.
Recording all these backtest videos here is actually boring.
But I don’t do it for the entertainment, I do it for the results – because it works for me.
Scaling up a trading account size later is possible at every given time, once everything works as it should.
You can download the free version for the Algorithmic Trading System below the video on our website
It will work with original Metatrader 5 demo accounts.
If you are interested to learn more, or if you are interested to trade this system on a real account, make sure to become a starter member for just one dollar.